Existing patients/Main Desk
New Patients Only Call
Variable discount off Traditional Insurance Based Fee Schedule(call for specific details for a given service)
Financial PolicyMajor Networks include:
TRICARE, Independent Doctors of Idaho, Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance, Blue Cross, Medicaid, Medicare, and Idaho Physicians Network
Major Individual Payers include (as of 5 Jan 2017):
First Choice Health Network
Blue Cross – Carepoint St Luke’s Health Partners
Blue Cross- St. Luke’s Health Partners Coordinated Care Plan for Micron
Blue Cross – St. Luke’s Health Partners MA (Medicare Advantage) True Blue RX HMO
First Choice
Mountain Health CO-OP – Link
Mountain Health CO-OP – Engage
PacificSource – BrightPath – Voyager
PacificSource – BrightPath – myRX Medicare Advantage
Regence St. Luke’s Health Partners Align Plus (HMO
Regence St. Luke’s Health Partners Align (HMO
Regence St. Luke’s Health Partners Align No Rx (HMO
Select Health – ALL
United Health Care – AARP Medicare Advantage Focus (HMO)
The CMS (the Center for Medicare Studies) estimates that it pays $75 to $85 more for the same services for Medicare beneficiaries in hospital owned outpatient settings versus independently owned physician offices.
The Alliance, a group representing 160 self-insured employers including Trek Bicycle and John Deere, calculated that the average visit to a hospital owned clinic cost each employee an additional $118 compared to an independently owned clinic.
Further reading: