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January 24, 2017
#SleepApnea (https://goo.gl/FoTWLL ) is a common cause of fatigue, poor sleep and high blood pressure.
Multiple screening tools are available to identify people who need testing. (http://www.sleepmedicine.com/files/files/StopBang_Questionnaire.pdf ). @sleepinfo.
A review in Annals of Internal Medicine @annalsofim suggests that Home Sleep testing is NOT inferior to much more expensive testing at a formal sleep lab for most people. (https://goo.gl/DnwbtK )
Different companies such as @Novasominc or @VirtuOxSleep can express ship a kit to your home, which allows you to sleep in your own bed while performing the test. When completed, the results are sent back to your physician.
Multiple companies can provide #CPAP treatment, such as Medicap @medicapmeridianparma , Pacific Pulmonary, CPAP Now @cpapnowtv or Norco @norcomedical.
Also, mouthguards or oral splints are available for some folks. Clinics like the Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ @sleepidaho can assist.