Existing patients/Main Desk
New Patients Only Call
December 07, 2022
TVFM is unique in how we exercise our freedom to structure the clinic schedule to optimize delivery of care. We set new patients in one-hour slots and established patients in 30-minute slots. Using the Idaho Health Data Exchange, we can do our homework in advance of the intake appointment to not only acquaint ourselves with our patients but uncover and address outstanding issues in their charts. Many items are lost to follow-up when people see multiple doctors, and pulling them all together for a strategic plan is crucial to high-quality care.
Our mission statement is to deliver the best primary care in the Treasure Valley.
Our goals are to know our patients, provide superior care, and reduce overall costs.
Our culture is focused on the mission of providing family-centered, whole-person care regardless of organ system. To accomplish this goal, we empower our staff to practice at the top of their license, give them the freedom to make smart decisions, and have their back when challenges arise. In turn, our staff goes above and beyond to take care of our patients, and the patients feel this. When forced to resolve a conflict involving patients who mistreat staff, we will support our staff every time. No one has permission to mistreat our staff in any way. Sometimes administrators in bigger systems require multiple chances before firing a patient, but we have zero tolerance for abuse of our valuable, essential staff; we don’t achieve anything without them, and we work hard to demonstrate that realization.
Indoors or outdoors person? I prefer the outdoors in the orchard or garden
Your guilty pleasure. Kindle books, currently David Baldacci’s Will Robie series
Favorite snack. Not doughnuts; wish reps would quit bringing them
A movie you could watch on an endless loop. Gladiator
A fun adventure you have been on. Humanitarian military med assistance to Nicaragua
The best advice you have ever received. Be a servant leader as Christ demonstrated
Something in life you are happy you did. Marry my talented, Godly wife, Kaeti
Interests/hobbies outside of work. Yoga, gardening
Any hobbies you would like to try if you had more time? More hunting, fishing, and range shooting.
A habit you would like to change. Staying up late to complete my inbox
Some place on your bucket list. Ireland
Anything your parents taught you that sticks with you today? Work hard, read often, and love Christ.
Charities you are involved with or support. Treasure Valley Bible Church, USAF Academy Foundation