
  • HPV Gardasil Vaccine

    March 27, 2016

    Much hype can be found on the internet re: the potential risks of the HPV vaccine. On the balance of evidence, it clear that the HPV vaccine does FAR more good than harm. Most especially, it reduces the risk of cervical cancer. ... read more

  • Insomnia

    March 26, 2016

    Good sleep is under appreciated, until you don’t have it. While many medicines may help (ambien, trazodone, restoril, doxepin, rozerem, etc…), the smart approach is to maximize the easy things. Use the bed only for sleep and sexual activities.... read more


    March 22, 2016

    Did you know that half of adults and older teens with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) have symptoms 1 year later? They will experience 4+ post-concussion symptoms at one year, and almost 10% will have very low levels of cognitive function. What i... read more